Frozen vegetables – what a Brrrrrrr-illiant better nutrition idea!
Here’s what your clients want to know:
- Are frozen vegetables an ok option?
- How can I get my family to eat more fruits and vegetables?
- Is there a more budget-friendly way to get organic vegetables?
Well, frozen organic fruits and vegetables are the better nutrition answer – but why aren’t they getting it?
If frozen is better, why the confusion?
What sections does your grocery store have? -fresh produce -dairy or refrigerated sections -aisles… including the “frozen” aisle
No wonder we don’t think of frozen vegetables and fruit as fresh! Marketing efforts including nutrition “tips” also share blame. We are told that the ready to eat produce in a grocery store or even a farmer’s market is always “fresher” than the ones in the frozen aisle
“This is an unfair and an incorrect diagnosis of the fresh vegetables and fruit found in the freezer section.”
Ashley Koff RD
Here are just some of the reasons frozen is a brilliant better nutrition choice:
1) They last longer
If I have it in my freezer it means it’s more likely to go in me and keep me from wasting produce I don’t get around to eating.
2) They are season-less
I do love berries in the winter, sorry, but I can grow, pick and freeze them in the summer or I can buy frozen and know that they are freshly delicious as part of any winter recipe.
Are you and your clients getting in a rainbow of better nutrition more often? Use our rainbow evaluation to see then see how frozen produce and spices can help you all enjoy your rainbow.
3) Frozen helps make organic more affordable
I buy frozen organic produce by the pounds for way less than ready-to-eat and that means more organic, more often, and less toxins, more often #HealthWIN
Our guide to organic helps you learn more about which items you should choose organic more often – we definitely vote for organic frozen plants like berries, nuts, seeds, greens and even mushrooms!
4) Frozen helps me get in a better variety
I don’t want the same greens everyday nor does my family or guests so I keep different organic greens, fruits and veggies in the freezer so I have options to please.
5) Frozen is fresh, often even freshER
Frozen produce is frozen right away. That means it doesn’t have to survive long travel to get to you or days out in the store – now,I know that companies and stores manage this so your ready-to-eat is fresh, but your frozen is a fresh bet too.
It is the so lovely information is frozen vegetables healthy. Thank you for share this blog
This is the blog very helping information is Awesome frozen vegetables healthy. thank you for share this blog