Plans and Pricing

Discover your better path to wellness with BNP Health Memberships

The first-ever truly personalized nutrition services designed to meet your needs each month.

  • Discover what your body needs to run better
  • Identify choices that help you meet those needs, more often.
  • Experiment with your better choices to see how your body responds
  • Get feedback to adjust choices as indicated
  • Enjoy an easier path to optimal health
Have a promo code? You can add it at checkout!

BNP Health™

  • Weekly live education and Q+A sessions with the BNP Clinical Team™
  • A robust resource library with menus, guides and nutrition plans
  • Supportive members-only digital community
  • 20% off supplements and exclusive members only discounts 


This membership level is ideal for individuals who value self-motivation, community, and seek guidance from the BNP Team.

BNP Health Plus™

  • 30 Minute 1:1 Coaching Session
  • Unlimited Messaging
  • Weekly live education and Q+A sessions with the BNP Clinical Team™
  • A robust resource library with menus, guides and nutrition plans
  • Supportive members-only digital community
  • 20% off supplements and exclusive members only discounts 


This membership is ideal for individuals who are ready to fast-track their results with empowered coaching, and expert guidance.

BNP Health Platinum™

  • 30 Minute 1:1 Clinical Nutrition Session
  • Unlimited Messaging
  • Access to 13 nutrition programs (weight health, digestion, blood sugar etc.)
  • Weekly live education and Q+A sessions with the BNP Clinical Team™
  • A robust resource library with menus, guides and nutrition plans
  • Supportive members-only digital community
  • 20% off supplements and exclusive members only discounts 


This membership level is ideal for the individual who wants 1:1 access to a clinical nutritionist and a truly personalized plan.


Nutritionist Guided Glucose Monitoring Package

Let’s see how your body is responding to your current choices! This package includes:

  • A 14 day CGM sensor
  • Access to our app for easy tracking and messaging with our team
  • Ongoing review of data & suggested experiments to see how your body responds to different choices
  • A 30 minute live session with the nutrition team
  • Key recommendations for your better choices (food, supplements, lifestyle etc.)

You are what BNP is all about

We make weight loss and health gains happen—and getting there looks different on everyone.

A definition created by Ashley Koff RD, better nutrition for where you are now

Better Nutrition

It’s all about you–personalized nutrition solutions that fit into your daily life.

BNP is a strong support system through our coaches, community, care team and clinical team

Better Support

Knowing what you need is not the same as being able to make those choices, more often.

through BNP Experiments we receive better data to create you a more personalized plan

Better Data

What is your body trying to tell you? We help you decode its messages and gather actionable data.

we work off better results and better not perfect

Better Results

Win on your terms. Let’s work together to smash your goals for lasting results.

Unlock Your Sweet Potential

Why take the sweet taste bud quiz?

  • Address Cravings: Take control over intense sweet cravings
  • Regain Balance: Improve energy levels and mood stability
  • Improve Digestion: Alleviate gas, bloating, and digestive discomfort
Use an apple to take the sweet taste bud reset to see if your taste buds need a tune up

Frequently Asked Questions

Our BNP Health Memberships start for as low as $39 per month, depending on the resources and level of support selected. Additional costs may apply for recommended supplements, labs or devices if you choose. If you are unsure which option is your better starting point click here to set up a time to speak with our team.

At BNP, we offer flexible membership options to meet your evolving needs. Our memberships are fluid, allowing you to move seamlessly between them as needed. Upgrade for more support or opt for a lighter plan while still accessing valuable resources. We empower you to take control of your health journey on your terms, meeting you where you are today. If you would like to speak with someone to see what is better for you click here to set up a time.

At this time, we operate on a cash-pay basis. However, we do accept Health Savings Account (HSA) and Flexible Spending Account (FSA) payments, providing you with flexibility in managing your healthcare expenses.

At BNP, our mission is to transform lives with truly personalized nutrition. We understand that your health journey is as unique as you are, which is why we personalize our membership to fit your individual needs. Our approach focuses on building healthy habits one step at a time, empowering you to achieve lasting results. With us, it’s not just about a one-size-fits-all plan; it’s about creating a personalized roadmap to better health that works for you.

Your BNP Coach and the BNP Care Team will be available through the BNP app, making it easy for you to communicate, receive support, and track your progress throughout your program. The BNP app is a HIPAA complaint platform that can be accessed on your mobile device or desktop.