Are You Hydrated?

Staying optimally hydrated is crucial for achieving any health goal. However, the solution isn’t simply drinking more water. Our hydration experiment reveals your current hydration status. If dehydration is detected, we’ll guide you toward your better next steps.

Do you need to optimize your hydration

Get the FREE Hydration Experiment instructions to your email!

Reasons to Do the Hydration Experiment Right Now!

  • More Water Isn’t Better: Struggling to get in half your body weight or more of water daily? Find out if absorbing water and nutrients is actually your issue.
  • Having to Pee Often is a Problem: Whether waking you up or interrupting you all day, frequent urination is a signal that your absorption isn’t optimal.
  • Clear Urine Does Not Mean You are Hydrated: This myth that will keep you dehydrated. The color of your urine does not reveal your hydration status.
  • Thirst Is Not a Good Marker of Being Hydrated: Thirst occurs for many reasons, not just dehydration. Being thirsty signals you are well past optimal hydration.

While taking in water is crucial, the real magic happens when water efficiently reaches its intended destinations. Optimally absorbing water, along with the nutrients it carries, can supercharge your metabolism and enhance cellular functions.

Optimal hydration is your key to unlock all these health wins.

“My sweet cravings are gone! I didn’t realize it was a hydration absorption issue. Thank you!!!” – R. Switz

“This program made a huge change most especially in healing my GI tract. I used to get stomach aches 2-3 times a week and those are gone. I have more energy and I am not chasing the water train. It was so educational to learn about how much water our bodies really need, where water first gets absorbed, color of urine does not need to be clear to know if you are hydrated and they myth of the amount of water you need is half your body weight. It has decreased my stress as well.” – P. Derr

“I have long since had the goal of hydrating more, but until engaging with the BNP program, it was just a goal. I got a personalized solution that works for my life so that I can now reach my hydration goals without even thinking about it.” – S. Carter

Ready to Optimize Your Hydration and Smash Your Health Goals?

Choose Your Better Next Step

Your results are in, now is time to take action. Your better next step depends on who you are and what your body needs to run better today.

  • BNP Health™ Membership For the highly self-motivated person or someone already working with a practitioner and a coach, this DIY option is better for you. It’s also better if budget is a factor. For $39 you get access to our team of clinicians, coaches, content and experiments, just like the hydration test, to support you in identifying what your body needs to run better and how to make those choices more often. Say YES to Better Health!
  • BNP Health Plus™ Membership: For the person who knows that making their better choices is more of their challenge, add live coaching plus unlimited messaging to the BNP Health bundle for accountability and support. Say Yes to Getting Results Faster!
  • BNP Health Platinum™ Membership: If you know you need labs, testing, prescriptions and seek direct clinical guidance than this option is your better next step. Say Yes to a Personalized Plan!
The BNP Health memberships offer Nutrition, lifestyle, supplements and planning and support
showing how bnp programs works for nutrition planning

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A: Yes! Hydration is important for people of all ages! Take the test so you can figure out if you are properly hydrated and absorbing the water you need for better health.

A: We will send instructions to complete the test to your email. All you need for the test is 8 ounces of water! When doing the test you will not want to drink caffeine or alcohol an hour before or have anything to eat or drink for up to two hours.