Different pieces of a personalized health plan, nutrition, weight loss, exercise, sleep, stress

Get Your Truly Personalized Health Plan

Empower Yourself with a health plan driven by a complete picture of what Your body needs to run Better. Get targeted strategies and support to make Your Better choices more often.

What is Truly Personalized & Why is it Your Key to Better Health

On the journey to get and stay healthy, guesswork and one-sized tools don’t cut it.

Your health is personal. Your goals are too.

We created The Comprehensive Health Plan to ensure you get and stay healthy, easily and efficiently.
Any lab test, tracking device, supplement, program or service that doesn’t evaluate, interpret, and build based on all of these wastes your valuable resources & keeps you from your goal.

What your health plan should include
  • Total nutrition (food + supplements + eating habits)
  • Current Health & History (labs + medications + risks)
  • Evaluations (hydration, digestion, sweet taste bud test)
  • Your DNA (key genetic insights)
  • Activity & Fitness
  • Sleep & Recovery
  • Stress & Emotional Health

Don’t Take Our Word, Hear What Others Have To Say

You’re in Good Hands

Our comprehensive plan is built by experts with 25+ years of practice helping people identify and make their better choices. True personalization begins with knowing you fully – your health, your history, how your body is working today, and what factors impact the choices you are making today. Explore the team who helps make this dream a reality.

  • :hand::skin-tone-5: The BNP Clinical Team™ reviews & synthesizes ALL your data, creates Your roadmap, and stays with you to address questions & help you pivot, as needed, based on real-time feedback
  • :hand::skin-tone-3: The BNP Care Team™ helps guide you through the process and is always available to assist, supports you with choosing your better next step(s)
  • :hand::skin-tone-4: BNP Coach™ partners with you to start translating your plan into action, your cheerleader, sounding board and accountability partner through the whole process
  • :hand::skin-tone-6: The BNP Operations Team™ works behind the scene to make sure all transitions are smooth and if you run into any road bumps, they are there to assist.
  • Confidently invest because this plan is built with YOU as the most important ingredient. Don’t invest in any health service, product or program unless it’s truly personalized.
  • We offer 4 Plans: Your Comprehensive Health Plan powered by your genetics; Your Comprehensive Health Plan (already have my tests); Your VIP Comprehensive Health Plan powered by your genetics; Your Athletic Performance Optimizer Plan. Scroll down to discover which is your better investment.
the different areas of focus for the health plan

Your Comprehensive Health Plan

We synthesize all the data you provide including any labs and, or test results into an actionable, attainable plan. Then partner you with a BNP Coach™ and clinical team support to help you implement better choices for your body.

You will receive:

  • Access to the BNP app where you share your goals, complete evaluations and a few easy experiments, securely upload health information, and directly message customer service
  • A truly personalized health plan (“Your Roadmap”) with a recording prepared by The BNP Clinical Team™
  • A call with The BNP Care Team™ to review your Roadmap recommendations.
  • Start turning Your Roadmap insights into results – with a month of membership featuring 30 minutes of one-on-one coaching, unlimited messaging with your BNP Coach™, access to The BNP Clinical Team™ for input and live group sessions

for $427 $299!

A full plan incorporating nutrition, exercise, genetics, labs, and supplements

Your Comprehensive Health Plan powered by your genetics

We synthesize all the data you provide including your 3X4 Genetics test into an actionable, attainable plan. Then partner you with a BNP Coach™ and clinical team support to help you implement better choices for your body.

The Comprehensive Health Plan powered by your genetics includes all benefits from Your Comprehensive Health Plan Plus:

  • 3X4 Genetic Test and Blueprint Report (shipped directly to you)
  • Genetic insights incorporated into your plan
  • Profound understanding of your genetic makeup and how it influences your health and well-being

for $727 $599!

Pieces of the Comprehensive health plan with VIP status

Your VIP Comprehensive Health Plan powered by your genetics

With our VIP package, you’ll connect exclusively with a dedicated BNP Clinical Team™ member to discuss health history, nutrition, lifestyle, and goals. While waiting for test results, you might contribute extra data or try simple experiments for more insights. We’ll blend all data, including the 3X4 Genetics test, into an achievable plan. Your BNP Clinical Team™ member will discuss this directly to kickstart your plan. Plus, a BNP Coach™ will join to assist the clinical team for continuous care and refinement.

You will receive:

  • One-on-one intake session with a BNP Clinical Team™ member
  • 3X4 Genetics test and Blueprint report
  • A truly personalized health plan (“Your Roadmap”) prepared by The BNP Clinical Team™
  • One-on-one session with a BNP Clinical Team™ member to review your Roadmap and define and discuss implementation of your better next steps
  • Unlimited access to The BNP Care Team™ during plan development and the first month of implementation to help you complete your test, share data etc.
  • Start turning Your Roadmap insights into results – with a month of membership featuring 30 minutes of one-on-one coaching, unlimited messaging with your BNP Coach™, access to The BNP Clinical Team™ for input and live group sessions

Starting at $979!

building blocks in the athletic performance optimizer plan

Your Athletic Performance Optimizer Plan

Got performance goals? Trust our experts to craft a personalized athletic performance optimizer plan, leveraging all your data, current choices, health status, and your body’s needs. This plan, designed to enhance both on and off-field performance, is your ticket to clear, effective next steps.

You will receive:

  • Personal plan crafted by The BNP Clinical Team™ with insights, recommendations and suggested priorities for your training and non-sport efforts.
  • Recording of key insights and action steps from the experts
  • Start turning Your Roadmap insights into results – with a month of membership featuring 30 minutes of one-on-one coaching, unlimited messaging with your BNP Coach™, access to The BNP Clinical Team™ for input and live group sessions

for $299!