Receive top notch care with the most personalized VIP Comprehensive Health Plan that includes:
Phase 1: Assessment & Plan
  • Initial in-depth private consultation with a lead BNP Clinical Team™ Member (approx. 60 minutes)
  • Upload all relevant data into your secure folder
  • Customized plan development by The BNP Clinical Team™
  • Plan delivery in two formats: written report & recording prior to meeting with your clinician
  • Personalized health plan discussion with lead clinician (approx. 60 minutes)
Phase 2: Implementation & Optimization
  • 2 live sessions with your BNP Coach™ and unlimited communications via your preferred communication type
  • At least bi-weekly optimizations from your BNP Clinical Team™ based on your results and feedback
  • BNP will communicate with your team members as needed (practitioners, assistant, chef, trainer etc.)
  • Optional add-ons available: specialty labs, supplements, continuous glucose monitoring, Prolon / fasting, nutrition optimizing protocols (hydration, sweet cravings etc.), genetic testing and more.

VIP Personalized Health Plan


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Achieve your health goals with truly personalized care & a VIP Personalized Health Plan

The VIP Personalized Health Plan delivers a caliber of care unrivaled in the world of nutrition products, programs and services being offered. With over 25+ years experience providing truly personalized care to global leaders, athletes, actors and executives, Ashley Koff RD and our team of clinicians and coaches know how to exceed your expected level of care, insights and action plan as well as work with you and your team to optimize implementation. When you realize your health is your most valued asset and your time your most valuable resource, your invest in a VIP personalized health plan to get and stay healthy.

How It Works:

  1. The First 30 Days: Assessment & Plan
    • Introductory call with your BNP clinician (60-90 minutes)
    • Share your data (food, supplements, labs, sleep and fitness choices) securely to your private folder
    • Complete any recommended assessments and / or lab tests.
    • The BNP Clinical Team™ meticulously analyzes and synthesizes your data into a truly personalized health plan
      • Personalized nutrition recommendations -what are and when to make your better choices
      • Personalized supplement recommendations – 20% discount on practitioner grade products
      • Personalized lifestyle recommendations – fitness, sleep, stress and travel choices
      • Suggestions for more data – labs, tests, experiments to show us how your body is functioning
    • Get your personalized plan at least 48 hours prior to your plan review with your BNP clinician
    • Live session with your BNP clinician to review plan and agree upon specific next steps.
  2. The Second 30 Days: Implementation & Optimization
    • Implement your plan with support and accountability from your coach and BNP clinician.
      • 60 minutes live sessions and unlimited messaging (responses within 8 hours during the week, 24 hours on weekends).
    • Connect BNP with any of your care and support team members so we can all collaborate to optimize your care
    • Bi-weekly check-ins with your clinician.

Unlocking Unparalleled Wellness: The Extraordinary Features of Our Plan

the different areas of focus for the health plan

To truly optimize your health, you deserve a plan that’s uniquely tailored. Piecing together from different practitioners and services is ineffective, a poor use of time, and often overwhelming.

Our VIP offering consolidates everything essential for a truly personalized health plan. We work with you to pinpoint the choices that will optimize your health most efficiently. Real-time assessment helps us make timely adjustments.

We see your time and your health as your two most valuable resources. The VIP Personalized Health Plan is a must for those serious about health optimization.

🌱 Why Invest in a VIP Personalized Health Plan? 🌱

🔍 Tailored Precision: Say farewell to less than truly personalized health solutions. Yes, even seeing “the best” practitioners or having access to cutting edge services, you are still likely to get less than truly personalized health solutions. Recommendations and data about you are not enough, they need to be precisely tailored to your life, today, and followed up with implementation support and optimizations in real-time.

🥗 Targeted Total Nutrition: Nourish your body with precision. With our plan we create a personalized dietary roadmap that addresses and prevents any nutrient gaps with a combination of food, beverage and supplements. Give every system and cell in your body what it needs to run better while avoiding what irritates, overwhelms and prevents optimal performance.

💪 Custom Fitness Strategy: Unleash your potential with specialized exercise approaches. Get insights and real-time feedback on what produces the results you seek today and protects your future performance.

🌞 Lifestyle Enhancement: Uplevel your current choices to deliver your body – and mind – the recovery, support and challenges needed to live your life to your highest potential while not compromising on future health and happiness.

📈 Progress Unleashed: Witness tangible results like never before. Our personalized approach ensures that you’re not just on a health journey – you’re on your health journey. Track your progress, celebrate milestones, and revel in the positive changes that unfold uniquely for you.

🌐 Your Wellness, Your Way: With our VIP Personalized Health Plan, you’re not just a client – you’re an individual with distinct aspirations. Experience the empowerment of having a dedicated team of health professionals and genetic experts by your side, propelling you towards a life of unparalleled wellness.

🎉 Join the Revolution of Personalized Health! 🎉

Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all approaches and embrace the future of well-being. Gain a quarterback, a team and cheerleaders to win at your health daily and long-term with our VIP Personalized Health Plan. .

🔥 Invest for your Better Health ROI right now 🔥