Better Men’s Nutrition Evaluation

Developed with Dr. Myles Spar,

Did you know that one of the best ways to get better health, more energy, and improve overall performance is nutrition? The secret to a long, healthy, happy life is better nutrition. What goes in and on your body most often is what impacts your health the most!

But we all know that eating the right thing can be difficult. We’re here to help! Follow the steps below, take the evaluation, and get started on your path to better health, more energy, and improved performance.

Step 1 = Take a moment to jot down a day or two of “regular” eating.

Quick Tip #1:If you hit a ball game and have a hot dog, but don’t usually do that, then the answer would be “never” in that section. But if you have coffee every day, then answer accordingly. Answer for how much you take in most days.

Step 2= Answer the questions in the evaluation below. It only takes a few minutes and you’ll be glad you did!

Quick Tip #2= There’s no perfect nutrition or perfect answers here. This is a guide to help you and your practitioner know about your current total nutrition. Then you will know what adjustments you can make to get the biggest positive impacts, most easily.

Step 3= Take what you learn here, speak with our health practitioner, and take action! You and your body will be glad you did!

  • Section A:

    What foods are you using to fuel up?

    Scoring: DAILY = 6+ days a week, SOMETIMES = 2-5 days a week, NEVER = <1 time a week)

  • What liquids do you drink and how often?

  • Are you taking the following supplements:

  • Your Current Health

  • Your lifestyle, how active are you?

  • Each week how often do you eat out?


    Your Results

    Please enter your name and email to receive your results.