What does your body really need to run better?
Stop Guessing, Start Assessing!
The better nutrition evaluations help you assess your current (total) nutrition, see what needs attention, and address your needs, better. The other better nutrition tools (menus, lessons, do 1 Thing Better challenges) help you make better, not perfect choices more often. You Deserve Better!
Your Current Nutrition & Needs
Better Evaluations
Are you guessing what your body needs to run better? STOP. Use the better nutrition evaluations to assess your current total nutrition and learn how your current health, preferences and lifestyle impact your body’s nutrient needs. You Deserve Better.
What’s Already Better
Better Menus
When you know what your body needs to run better, you are half way there! Use the Better Menus to identify delicious, doable ways to make better, not perfect, choices more often. Already doing better? Awesome sauce, these will help you keep doing what you are already doing better, deliciously. You deserve better!
Better, Not Perfect, More Often
#Do1ThinkBetter Challenge
Want better results? I challenge you to #Do1ThingBetter this week! You only need to do one thing better to have better results so pick one. You Deserve Better.